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Rejuvenating Orthodontic Dentistry in Orlando, FL

Orlando Dental Group is an orthodontic dentistry in Orlando, FL that transforms the appearance, form, and function of the teeth. Our Invisalign and clear aligner options reverse the effects of crooked, misaligned, and misshapen teeth, reducing and preventing a wide range of oral health complications and conditions. We provide alignment solutions for adults, teens, and children who want straighter, healthier, and aesthetically pleasing teeth. By choosing us, you’ll receive an outstanding smile and exceptional oral health.


Get a Straight Smile Through Invisalign

Invisalign is a tooth straightening solution primarily used for active orthodontic treatment. It comprises aligner trays that are popular among patients for their nearly invisible appearance and easy removability. It is used to correct a wide range of alignment and bite issues. Invisalign trays are applied over the teeth to gradually shift them into the correct position. They can be specially customized and formulated to fit your mouth size and shape seamlessly.

clear dental aligner

Invisible Teeth Straightening With Essix Clear Aligners

An Essix Clear Aligner is a clear plastic solution usually applied to teeth after alignment treatment. It is designed to fit precisely over crooked or misaligned teeth. They are shaped and molded using scans and molds of the patient’s mouth, ensuring they fit perfectly and comfortably. After alignment, the Essix Clear Aligner will hold the teeth in place and ensure they remain straight, preventing them from shifting out of place again.

Choose the Right Orthodontic Treatment Today

If you want to improve the shape and appearance of your smile but are unsure how to achieve your goals, the team at Orlando Dental Group would love to help you. Our skilled and reputable orthodontic team will inform you about our teeth alignment options so you completely understand them. We’ll work with you to choose the proper treatment and develop a dental care plan to attain your desired smile. A straighter and stunning smile awaits you.

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