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Our Doctor

Kenneth E. Pyle D.D.S.

All our professionals at Orlando Dental Group maintain the highest levels of accreditation and pursue ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest trends in dentistry. Dr. Pyle earned his Bachelors Degree from Kent Sate University; his Doctorate from The Ohio State University and after serving three years in the US Navy, he began private practice in Orlando Florida.

Dr Kenneth Pyle

Dr. Kenneth Pyle Is a Pioneer in the Dental Field

He pioneered the use of intra-oral photography; digital X-Rays and was the first to bring Cerec technology to Orlando. He is a member of the Invisalign Faculty and lectures both nationally and internationally for Invisalign. He is one of the top Invisalign providers in the country. These pioneering efforts have earned Dr. Pyle the respect of not only his peers, but the entire community and across the country. As a premier dentist, aside from the absolutely beautiful cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Pyle’s commitment to his patient’s comfort is his primary focus. Through Dr. Pyle’s great effort he has created the perfect balance of state of the art dentistry in a warm comfortable welcoming office. Dr. Pyle is committed to staying abreast of the most current dental technology and information as it is published. Dr. Pyle has carefully put together the most knowledgeable and caring staff in Orlando. Each staff member is dedicated to the patient’s dental education and comfort while they are a guest in our office.

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