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Trusted Dental Office in Orlando, FL

Orlando Dental Group is a renowned dental office in Orlando, FL that’s served families and individuals for years. We offer extensive services to keep your smile bright and healthy, including general, cosmetic, restorative, emergency, and orthodontic care. With the most advanced dental technology and welcoming and accommodating environment, our office addresses and meets all our patients’ oral health needs. You can depend on us to provide an exceptional patient experience every time you visit.

Dr Kenneth Pyle

About Kenneth E. Pyle, D.D.S.

Dr. Kenneth E. Pyle, D.D.S., earned his bachelor’s degree from Kent State University and Doctorate from The Ohio State University. He started his private dental practice after serving three years in the U.S. Navy. He is renowned in the dental field for his many innovations and firsts. He pioneered intra-oral photography and was the first dentist to use CEREC technology in Orlando, FL. He’s among the leading Invisalign providers nationwide. Dr. Pyle prioritizes making patients feel comfortable and at ease while receiving state-of-the-art dental treatments and solutions.

Why Choose Orlando Dental Group

Here’s why patients choose our dental practice:

Patient Comfort

Comfort is our highest priority. We cultivate and maintain a warm and welcoming environment that includes cutting-edge dentistry.

Oral Health Information & Education

We fully inform and educate patients on their treatments. We’ll explain your dental services so you understand them completely.

Quality & Attention to Detail

We always provide quality. We take our profession with the utmost seriousness and perform our services with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring the results you want or need.

Get Outstanding Care for Your Smile

At Orlando Dental Group, we promise to remain dedicated to your dental beauty, health, and hygiene. Whether you want to renew your smile with restorative solutions like crowns, dentures, or bridges or erase cosmetic flaws like cracks, chips, and discoloration, you can rely on us to perform your services with the highest level of excellence. We’ll provide optimal oral health and provide an unmatched patient experience for you and your loved ones.

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