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Comprehensive Dentist in Orlando, FL

Orlando Dental Group is a leading dentistry for Orlando, FL families and individuals. We welcome new and returning patients for general, cosmetic, restorative, and orthodontic dental services. We treat every patient respectfully and honestly, ensuring they are fully informed about their treatments and procedures. Individuals trust us to provide top-quality routine, preventative, and complex dental care for them and their loved ones. We’re available to schedule your next dental exam or cleaning today.

happy family on beach

What to Expect From Your First Teeth Cleaning

We offer new and returning patients bi-annual, ADA-recommended dental cleanings. During these appointments, we evaluate the teeth, mouth, and gums and enhance their hygiene. If you’re a new patient, here’s what you can look forward to during your first cleaning:

  • You’ll receive a comprehensive exam to assess your overall oral health.
  • A cleaning will be conducted to ensure your teeth are plaque-free and polished.
  • We offer teeth whitening options, giving you a brighter, more confident smile.

Full-Service Dental Care for Adults & Children

From maintaining the perfect smile to urgent dental needs, we provide a wide range of services to ensure optimal oral health for all ages. They include examining, diagnosing, treating, and preventing many oral health conditions and problems. They enhance the health, well-being, function, and beauty of the mouth, teeth, and gums. Whether you need a routine exam or a complex procedure, we’ll deliver the highest quality care. Our services include the following:

Exceptional Proactive & Preventative Dental Care

Regular dental visits are crucial for a healthy smile and overall health. Proactive and preventative care mitigates the risks of dental conditions and stops them from occurring in the first place. Orlando Dental Group will provide you with routine exams to ensure and enhance your oral health and hygiene. Our office provides the comfort and accommodation you need to feel relaxed and confident during treatment. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice for an outstanding dental care experience.

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